Role of Nitrogen in Potato Production

Nitrogen is important in fueling growth and providing high yields. It ensures optimal photosynthate production in leaves.

Nitrogen and tuber size

Nitrogen is important in fuelling growth and providing high yields. It is largely needed during leaf formation and then for tuber growth and yield, when it ensures optimal photosynthate production in the leaves.

Nitrogen and potato yield

Nitrogen fed at an early stage of crop development will help build the overall size of the leaf canopy. At later stages of growth, nitrogen use helps maintain the greenness of the canopy and maximize yield.

Nitrogen and potato starch content

In temperate climates, an excess supply of nitrogen at later stages of growth will keep the crop growing, preventing it from reaching maturity. It may also reduce starch content, reducing processing potato crop quality.

N effect on potato dry matter content

An excess supply of nitrogen at later stages of growth may also reduce dry matter content, affecting quality.

Split N applications and potato yield

Where high levels of nitrogen are needed, advantages can be obtained from splitting N applications. Trials with a three way split increased yields by 12% compared to where all the nitrogen was applied in one go.

Foliar N and potato yield

As around 60 % of the total N is taken up before tuberization, a standard dry applied program may use 2/3 of the total N at planting and the remaining 1/3 at around tuber initiation or as several foliar sprays with the blight treatments.

General guidelines for nitrogen application

The total amount of nitrogen supplied will vary according to the length of time the canopy needs to be maintained and any potential losses such as leaching. Optimum total N rates vary with soil type and previous cropping history.

Where there are apparent yield responses to very high applications (>300 kg/ha), checks should be made for losses due to leaching. 

Potatoes are very responsive to NPK at planting. Balancing nutrition in such a manner – often with magnesium and sulfur applied at the same time - ensures a good start for the potato crop. 

Over-use of early N can lead to excessive vegetative growth at the expense of tuber formation.

Nitrogen at potato growth stages
Planting Early growth and dry matter
Post planting Split applications to reduce losses
Ridging and hilling Second split application
Bulking Maintain tuber growth

Role of Nutrients

Read about the role of other nutrients in potato production:













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